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Update Terakhir
17 / 12 / 2019
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19 kali
Rp. 30.000

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suncream HERBAL CLINIC HUSNA provide suncream Price : 30, 000 / bottle 25, 000 / 24botol 24, 000 / 40botol 21.000/ 100botol 20.000/ 200botol 19.000/ 500.000 PRICE ABOVE 1000 NEGOO .. BENEFITS suncream SUMBAWA : - Overcoming pain Kapala , colds - Overcoming sprains , aches , pains , rheumatism , gout , and varicose veins - Prevent chapped skin heels - Reduce Acne - Eliminates itching due to a caterpillar fur , sores , insect bites , athlete' s foot and foot odor causing germs - Eliminate phlegm and mushrooms . way with a thin smear with cotton - Helps eliminate dandruff , the scalp smearing - The process of further fractures HOW TO USE : 1 . Stiff, waist , arms legs , and difficulty sleeping : apply the cream on the shoulders , back , up over the curve of both thighs 2 . Colds , abdominal pain , fever , apply as point No. 1 plus greasing to the abdomen and chest 3 . Headache , Apply as No. 1 , plus greasing in the neck , temples and forehead indications : - Securing of nuisance mosquitoes - Inhaler : Suck on the tip of the bottle to reduce sleepiness or when flu - If shortness of breath , fist hand basting , and suction several times - Warming the body , without the jacket - Stabilizing the bone & muscle endurance - Without cool effects , without Alcohol - Balm is very safe for Nursing , Health , and Beauty composition : - 0.01 ml oil ekalitus - 0.04 lemongrass oil - 0.7 mg of menthol crystal and gandapura Citronella natural ingredients , gandapura , ekalyptus , essense orange , menthol , peppermint Not using alcohol , so effective for the treatment of highly efficacious CAUTION : - Not for the face , the product is quite hot . Wash hands with soap after use - Fits in all climates and weather . Can be used before the bath , and after that was still hot - Should be used for ages 6 years and over This product is safe and comfortable , do not even know the word expired . HUB : 081288173915 Web : http: / /
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